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What Do You Feel Your Hair Is Lacking?
August 22, 2024

What Do You Feel Your Hair Is Lacking?

As our time locked down makes its way over the hill, I find myself in self-love jubilation, getting ready for a socially distant Spring and Summer. I’m a hair and skincare junkie; whether it’s the perfect moisturizer or keeping my hair balanced, healthy and, hydrated, you can catch me doing all the things. You may have dabbled in what many found quarantine bliss in—hair treatments and masks to love on yourself during hard times. With 2021 zipping by and Spring here already, take a moment of stillness before getting out in the world to make sure your hair isn’t lacking a thing.

There are three significant concerns our hair reflects as breakage, dryness, and gummy strands. Each of these is your hair’s way of communicating to you it needs bond rebuilding, moisture, or protein. Part of my hair ritual includes a weekly assessment of my hair’s needs: me in front of a mirror feeling and looking at my hair to evaluate what treatment, mask, or both my hair needs. Regular hair treatments, especially with ample time at home, are ritual for me and the reason my hair is thriving. I give my hair weekly OLAPLEX treatments and masks to keep it healthy and ready for whenever damage comes its way during the week. You may think damage is easy to avoid, but if you’re planning on enjoying the Spring Summer sun, that alone breaks bonds in the hair.


Your hair tells you everything you need to know, especially when it’s damaged. This looks like breakage, split ends, and fried dull strands. Being a regular color client at a salon isn’t the only way damage occurs to the hair; it occurs from thermal styling with hot tools, the aforementioned environmental factors, and mechanical styling like brushing your hair, styling it with ties or clips, and even your pillowcase. OLAPLEX Nº.0 Intensive Bond Building Treatment paired with OLAPLEX Nº.3 Hair Perfector is the ultimate duo in combating and repairing breakage at home.


Hair that needs moisture feels dry and crunchy. If untreated, dryness can lead to breakage when the hair becomes brittle. Just in time for warm weather, OLAPLEX launched Nº.8 Bond Intense Moisture Mask to deeply condition the hair and rebuild bonds simultaneously. I use both treatments once a week for my healthy, medium-coarse, curly hair. The entire OLAPLEX line is customizable, so find a cheerful place with what works best for you!


You can tell the hair needs a protein treatment if it feels gummy. Although damage and moisture are the most common hair concerns, protein imbalance happens. Please consult with your hairdresser and work on a protein treatment plan with them.

It’s vital to note that these hair concerns are independent of one another. Getting a protein treatment won’t repair damage and moisturizing your hair won’t add protein to it. Each concern must be addressed separately to have a fully balanced, healthy, hydrated head of hair.

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